IMPOWER’s Heroes of 2023: 22 December

IMPOWER’s Heroes of 2023: 22 December

Find out who I’ve nominated as my hero of 2023… Wendy Allen is the driver behind most change activity in Inclusion Services at Suffolk County Council. In her role as Programme Manager in the Children and Young People Directorate, Wendy has been described...

IMPOWER’s Heroes of 2023: 21 December

Find out who’s my hero of the year… I am delighted to nominate Sonia Rides for IMPOWER’s Heroes of 2023 Awards. Sonia’s exceptional delivery of performance and data has been instrumental in supporting the continuous improvement of North East...

IMPOWER’s Heroes of 2023: 18 December

Find out who I’ve nominated as my hero of the year… Surjan is a social worker in Leicester, who has given life-changing support to many young people trying to make a new life in the city. Numbers of Unaccompanied Asylum Seeking Children are rising steeply...

IMPOWER’s Heroes of 2023: 15 December

Find out who I’ve nominated as my hero this year… I am happy to nominate Danielle Marshall and Rachel Cross for IMPOWER’s Heroes of 2023 Awards. Together, they have successfully delivered a ground-breaking Team Around the Family Strategy in North...