by Oliver Barnes | Jul 30, 2024 | Health and NHS improvements
5 July 1948 was the ‘appointed day’ on which a Labour government brought into the world the National Health Service. Exactly 76 years later, a Labour government declared that ‘the NHS is broken’. Since this declaration the government has commissioned Professor Lord...
by Oliver Barnes | Apr 8, 2024 | Adult social care, Health and NHS improvements
The NHS England planning guidance was published at the end of March, and the key word in the document is ‘consolidation’. The foreword by Amanda Pritchard states the view that the NHS Is making ‘significant progress’ in delivering on its priorities for patients, so...
by Dominic Luscombe | Oct 25, 2023 | Being IMPOWER, Children's social care, Medium term financial strategies
IMPOWER hosted a shared learning event focussed on how system leaders, practitioners and commissioners can collaborate to better meet the needs of children and families requiring support from Children’s Services. On 25th September, IMPOWER hosted a shared learning...
by Phil Watson | Aug 1, 2023 | Adult social care, Health and NHS improvements
The resilience of the NHS is undeniable. With the right strategies in place, we can navigate through the challenges that winter will bring while providing the best possible care for patients. NHS England (NHSE) recently unveiled its plans to tackle winter pressures in...
by Jamie McMahon | Nov 24, 2022 | Adult social care, Health and NHS improvements
For the last couple of months I have been working on a report with the County Councils Network on how councils are working with Integrated Care Systems (ICSs). The full report highlights a lot of the differences between ICSs across the country. During the research, we...