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2016 Insight Survey

IMPOWER’s annual Insight Survey is the first sector-wide polling of senior leaders of the year, asking key questions about the challenges facing local government over the next 12 months.

The 2015 Survey generated insights that led to thought-leading publications such as The Inflection Point and Breaking the Lock which are available to download for free.

In 2016, 98 local government Chief Executives and Directors took part in the survey, with the key findings and conclusions summarised in this short paper.

Underlying it all was a request for a new level in understanding and influencing demand for public services. The financial imperative is making it implausible for public services to retain their 20th century shape, yet there are more forces at work than just the pecuniary. The reality is that there can be no sustainable public services without a change in society; a change in our behaviours and expectations, of our duties and our responsibilities.

Many thanks to those who took part in the survey. If you have any thoughts or questions, please get in touch with Liam Booth-Smith, Head of Communications and Research, on

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