The High Needs Delivery Advisory Board was established to keep the focus of this programme squarely on the frontline difference it is making with and for families and professionals. It is important to all of us involved that we know the work is improving experiences and outcomes and, when we have learning, to share that openly with the sector.
As Chair of the Board I am therefore delighted to share what I hope will be the first of many annual impact reports. High Needs systems are complex and, for any one individual, there are very few levers of control. Successfully introducing and embedding change requires high levels of collaboration – working at the ‘edges’ of different teams, services and agencies, and always with families.
In short it is difficult! However this report shows that, with the right approach, it is possible. On behalf of the Board I would like to thank the many families, professionals and leaders involved.
My commitment in turn is to ensure the focus on learning and impact only grows.
Jenny Coles, Chair, IMPOWER High Needs Delivery Advisory Board