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IMPOWER’s Heroes of 2020: 18 December

by | Dec 18, 2020 | Being IMPOWER, Health and NHS improvements | 0 comments

Find out who has inspired me this year…

Kate Smith is Head of Intermediate Care at Somerset County Council & NHS Somerset and has been instrumental to the success of our work with the Health and Social care system in Somerset. Covid has seen significant challenges to understanding the issues with Discharge to Home and co-designing and implementing solutions on the front line. Kate has identified and inspired champions of our approach, thereby enabling us to effectively deliver and take this valuable work forward.

Kate recently shared her experiences of this work at the recent North West Collaborative virtual masterclass for 160 leaders across North West England; during her presentation, the group chat was red hot with positive feedback. What came across is that Kate really cares about patients and about ensuring that, whenever possible, they receive their onward care at home. She has the insight, influence and determination needed to improve outcomes for the people of Somerset – a worthy addition to our heroes of 2020.

For more on the North West Collaborative masterclass, read Geoff Hinkin‘s blogpost.

The  North West Collaborative is made up of Advancing Quality Alliance (Aqua), Mersey Internal Audit Agency (MIAA), NHS North West Leadership Academy (NHS NWLA), North West Employers (NWE) and the North West Association of Directors of Adults Social Care Services (ADASS) to bring our North West leaders a series of collaborative masterclasses.